Friday, September 12, 2008

alarm bells

Oh goodness, i really wanted to post right now but my computer is sounding the alarm? Literally... pee paw pee paw, it's driving me mad! I tried switching off and on again but it's still there. I didn't know computers had alarm bells? Anyhoo, I'd better pay attention and give it a break... Be back soon as I can, promise!


Anonymous said...

I do hope you return soon. And I've just noticed something on your profile - are you REALLY in South Africa?? I will be visiting there in November!!! What a strange coincidence.

Anyway . . . please come back soon and continue the story! It's awful to have to wait!


Melissa said...

Hope your computer is okay. You have readers waiting. ;)

Mrs T said...

Noooooooo I can't wait. Maybe you did go? I have to know. This is killing me....

You are addictive.

Mrs T said...

Oh, forgot to say - I'm here because of Guilty. That girl rocks.

BB said...

write, dammit, write!

your public demands it!

Modelmental said...

em, yes really really in south africa! it's a fantastic place, are you coming on holiday? let me know if you need any tips or advice! coincidence... gotta love it.
sorry to make you wait!

Modelmental said...

melissa, computer seems fine today. MUST get that checked out! a whole life of photos and documents on this baby... thank you so much for reading and commenting! will check out alosha real soon!

charlie, what a compliment thanks! your next fix is available... and i still kinda wish i HAD gone. more on that later! and yes, guilty rocks indeed.

bb, never had i heard such sweet words. i did feel guilty the whole weekend long. what sweet guilt!

cara said...

Oh god, computers scare me. The become suicidal in my presence.

And what BB said.

Modelmental said...

Peonies, I seem to have that same effect on all things technological... Very bravely opened the computer and cleaned the fan with a feather duster, cotton buds and a vacuum cleaner. (Very scientific.) Pee paw is gone, yay!