I love it.
The teenage vampire chronicles?
The books, the movie, the ones still to come...
I shamelessly love it all.

Hot young things looking moody and abstaining till they're married.
What's not to love?
So I also have a slight girl crush on K.Stew.
She's so pretty.

With such great hair!
And apparently cool and not trying very hard to please anyone.

She values comfort over fashion!
And commits to the parts she plays with gusto.

Wow that's a make-under.
But to be fair it IS a great copy of Joan Jett's coiffure and general style.

So I guess it's all part of the method?
sunlit pics from vanity fair
others from those funny fuggirls
I'm with you...I LOVE it all too. I adore Edward (and Robert) and also have a girl crush on K. Stewart
I dont like K just because she gets with E.... lol i am sad! :P
I had to stop reading the books because of the wedding. I am hoping to get back to the 3rd book soon. I already read New Moon, so I am good when the movie comes out.
LOVE LOVE LOVE twilight, the pictures are so pretty :) The other one is quite the make-under haha but still a good actress!
I love those Vanity Fair photos of them!
Wow I didn't realize how much she looked like Joan Jett!!
I LOVE Twilight =)
I don't think she is pretty!!! definitely a mis-cast for the role as I don't see why guys would be drawn to her, lets not even start on how ugly the "super good looking" vampire is.
he is so sexy!
In the top photos I think she looks a bit like SRF-less, no? Didn't think the film was super-dooper, but love the vampire theme. When I was a teen I was captivated by The Lost Boys.
Saw you in the YOU magazine this week! turned the page n thought hmmmm this person looks super familiar then I clicked straight after that, your hair looks really nice the way they styled it, you should wear it like that.
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